Quick Review: Arizona Governor Jan Brewer traded words with President Obama after she greeted him at a Phoenix airport Wednesday. Brewer and Obama "spoke intensely for a few minutes" after he landed at Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport, according to a White House pool report. At one point, the GOP governor shook her finger at the president."He was a little disturbed about my book," Brewer told a reporter after the incident, referring to her political memoir, "Scorpions for Breakfast." In the book, Brewer depicted Obama as "patronizing" during an earlier meeting."I said to him that I have all the respect in the world for the office of the president," Brewer said. "The book is what the book is. I asked him if he read the book. He said he read the excerpt. So."Brewer said Obama told her "that he didn't feel I had treated him cordially."
"I said I was sorry he felt that way but I didn't get my sentence finished," Brewer said. "Anyway, we're glad he's here. I'll regroup."...
Complete Story Here
My Opinion: Maybe it's just my imagination in which I highly doubt but it seems as if many people, particularly Republicans/Tea Partyers aka RACIST idiots suddenly do not RESPECT the position of presidency. I feel as if she wouldn't have dared pointed her finger in BUSH's face. This is a blatantly disrespectful gesture against anyone,not only as the POTUS but as a human being. This gesture which happens to be one of the many forms of disrespect that our president has endured, sends out a message that as African Americans in America, it doesn't matter what position we hold or how much we carry ourselves in a respectful manner, we're looked down upon simply based off the color of our skin. It is very unfortunate that many will see that once a white president is back in office(not this upcoming term of course:), these actions will mysteriously STOP & the age old defense mechanism will be thrown out as a clean up method...."His race had absolutely nothing to do with anything so stop playing the race card". While I am very aware that Obama couldn't possibly break her finger or "mush" her face like a part of me wants to do to her myself, I feel that this absolutely should be addressed. Of course if he would've taken the measure of defending himself by slapping her finger away, headlines would've really tried to turn him into a monster and mess up his current campaign. Case in point, the current story listed above caters towards HER feelings and reasoning behind her actions so can you imagine if he reacted in the same manner that she did? My point is this, The racist antics with a defense of "innocence" is NOT ACCEPTABLE in 2012 & should be addressed.
We really should speak on it and speak hard since Obama cannot. Her defense is deplorable. Her ACTIONS spoke volumes. Can you imagine her disrespecting George "DUBYA" in that manner simply because he didn't care for her book, something that's only relevant to herself and her wallet?? Never in a million years would she have done that. The heathen in me would've loved for his secret service to put her in a "nelson" or stiff arm her but I know that's not very "saved" of me so I'll stick to protesting in a "proper" manner. Get active & let your voice be HEARD against these sort of antics!
Happy Learning!
Nata Bee
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